生理用品博物館 精彩片段合集
這陣子所有關於 性平不小室 - 不小盟 Notsotiny 生理用品博物館的精彩片段都在我的社群平台可以看到唷
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iF International Forum Design 報導
Design is a wonderful way to shine light on topics that are mostly kept in the dark – like the female period. Many girls are insecure in the first years and have many questions. What products do I need? Which products are available at all? And is it all so normal? This Taiwanese gift box answers these questions. It includes “more traditional” products like tampons and pads, as well as newer products like a menstrual cup and period underwear. By using the international brackets [ ] ( ) { } to emphasize the difference between every female’s intimate parts, the gift box gives girls a chance to explore different options. And it also helps each girl understand that all bodies are unique. It is her body and hers alone. So let’s empower every girl to make her own decisions
凱娜的賦權在己禮盒,得到 iF 設計大獎,來自 iF 官方的貼文
慶賀獲得 iF Design Awards 2022,原價 $3300 的禮盒,限時特價 $2022(很誇張~就是61折的折扣,想買給身邊心愛女孩的人就趁現在!你自己像花木蘭一樣東市買棉條,西市買月釀杯,南市買布衛生棉,北市買吸血內褲,組起來也不會有我們特價便宜)
➊ 使用不同的括號
➋ 禮盒開啟的方式
➌ 禮盒內的觀念性文案
✧ 他因為你的私密處{}而不愛你,那他可能不是對的人
✧ 你可以選擇放入()讓你更舒適
✧ 破處的標準不是[]還在不在,她本來就是破的
凱娜 夜安吸血褲 1件
凱娜 布護墊 19cm 1件
凱娜 布衛生棉 28cm 1件
凱娜 塑膠導管棉條 量少型 4支
凱娜 紙導管棉條 普通型 4支
月釀杯 圓形杯 教學杯 1個
▍凱娜兩次獲選 iF 設計獎的商品: